As a trusted specialist when it comes to boilers, CSL Climate Control Company seeks to provide more than typical furnace & heating services. If you are in the market for a new boiler, our CSL Consultants will strive to understand your needs and exceed your expectations. It is our goal that you see them as an advisor you can trust to help you make an important decision concerning your home comfort – not a salesman who is trying to force you into making a heating system purchase.

GWM-IE Boiler

GWM-IE Boiler

High-efficiency, gas-modulating condensing water boiler

Efficiency Rating (AFUE): Up to 95
Price Guide: $$$

GWB9-IH Boiler

GWB9-IH Boiler

High-efficiency, gas-fired water boiler

Efficiency Rating (AFUE): Up to 90
Price Guide: $$$

GWB8-IE Boiler

GWB8-IE Boiler

Standard-efficiency, gas-fired water boiler

Efficiency Rating (AFUE): Up to 84.4
Price Guide: $$

GWB8-E Boiler

GWB8-E Boiler

Standard-efficiency, gas-fired water boiler

Efficiency Rating (AFUE): Up to 83.9
Price Guide: $